Monday, December 5, 2016

Nathan Hale Music Department Holiday Performance at Barnes and Noble

Barnes & Noble has partnered with Nathan Hale Music Dept. for a holiday performance  & fundraiser.  This event will be at the Northgate store on Saturday December 10th, 2016.  All ensembles will be performing, beginning at 10:00 am until 6:00 pm.  

If you use the voucher #12048740  during the performances &  all day December 10th, Nathan Hale High School Music Department will receive 20% of the proceeds! 
Please give this coupon code to your friends and family all over the country as it also includes online sales that will generate 10% for NHHS Music Dept. for one week afterwards. 
Please share this post on your Facebook page and give everyone the voucher #12048740 for use Dec 10-17th.
All information also available on our website including DECEMBER DIRECT DONATION CAMPAIGN LETTER and calendar (all-groups concert December 15th):

Events Calendar